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 年 ~ 

Analyses of uranium concentration in environment by ICP-MS and $$alpha$$-ray spectrometry


田中 忠夫 

Tanaka, Tadao


Uranium discharged from nuclear facility may be accumulated on the soil particle surface. Concentration of uranium 238 in three soils was determined by ICP-MS and $$alpha$$-ray spectrometry. The pre-treatment of the soils for the ICP-MS was performed by both the nitric acid extraction and the complete dissolution with microwave. The pre-treatment for $$alpha$$-ray spectrometry is performed by the nitric acid extraction. In the pre-treatment case of nitric acid extraction, the U-238 concentration determined by the ICP-MS was in comparable level with that decided by the $$alpha$$-ray spectrometry, and the concentration was clearly low in comparison with that by the complete dissolution with microwave. This showed that a coupling of the nitric acid extraction pre-treatment and the ICP-MS analysis was suitable for evaluating soil surface contamination of uranium discharged from nuclear facilities.



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