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Report No.

Research and development of self-priming venturi scrubber for filter venting; Preliminary analysis and observation of hydraulic behavior in venturi scrubber

Horiguchi, Naoki; Yoshida, Hiroyuki  ; Uesawa, Shinichiro*; Kaneko, Akiko*; Abe, Yutaka*

From the viewpoint of protecting the PCV and suppressing the diffusion of radioactive materials, the filtered venting system is required. In the filtered venting system that installed in European reactors, so called Venturi scrubber system (VSC) is used. However the mechanism of the VSC is understood insufficiently. Then, it is difficult to install the VSC to Japanese reactors. In this study, to provide knowledge about the mechanism of the VSC, both experimental and numerical research works have been performed. In this paper, hydraulic behavior in a rectangular Venturi scrubber is observed by high speed camera to check the validity of the experimental method. And numerical analysis of a circular Venturi scrubber is performed by the TPFIT to confirm applicability basically. As a result the validity of the experimental method was confirmed. And, it was confirmed that the numerical results were almost same as experimental results qualitatively.



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