※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


X-ray diffraction study of peening induced microstructures on austenitic stainless steel

熊谷 正芳*; 秋田 貢一; 今福 宗行*; 大谷 眞一*

Kumagai, Masayoshi*; Akita, Koichi; Imafuku, Muneyuki*; Oya, Shinichi*


Dislocation densities and crystallite sizes in shot- and laser-peened ANSI316 specimens were evaluated by X-ray line profile analysis. The both peened samples had almost the same depth-distributions of residual stress. Even though dislocations were increased and crystallites were refined in both processes, the dislocation density of SP was significantly higher than that of LP and the crystallite size of SP was one-third that of LP. Thus, the states of the microstructure variations were different depending on the nature of deformation process.



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