※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Dynamic behavior of liquid mercury droplets colliding with a solid surface


直江 崇   ; 二川 正敏  

Naoe, Takashi; Futakawa, Masatoshi


As a fundamental study to investigate the behavior of a liquid microjet emitted due to the cavitation bubble collapsing in mercury, dynamic behavior of liquid mercury and water droplets colliding with a solid surface were precisely examined. Liquid droplets were collided with a quartz plate by a free-fall method, and the colliding and spreading behaviors of the liquids were observed using a high-speed video camera. In the case of mercury droplet, the spreading, recoiling, and jump-up phenomena resulting from the high-surface tension of mercury were observed. The ratio of the maximum spreading diameter, $$D_{max}$$, to the initial droplet diameter, $$D_0$$, was investigated by parametrically changing the colliding velocity and tilt-angle of the quartz plate. The result showed that the $$D_{max}/D_0$$ was correlated well with the Weber number, which defined as a function of the colliding velocity and surface tension, regardless of the liquids.



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