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Report No.

Optimization of synthesis conditions for plasma-sintered beryllium-titanium intermetallic compounds

Kim, Jae-Hwan; Nakamichi, Masaru

Plasma sintering method has been newly suggested as a synthesis method for beryllium titanium intermetallic compounds (beryllides) as an advanced neutron multiplier in a system of water cooled solid breeder demonstration fusion reactors. Not only synthesis of the beryllide but joining the beryllide could be successfully fabricated. We report on the optimization of the main sintering conditions, on the sinterabilityof the plasma-sintered beryllides in the light of sinterability, as well as consolidation to the Be$$_{12}$$Ti phase. The optimum sintering temperature for consolidation to the Be$$_{12}$$Ti phase was 1273 K and the area fraction of the Be$$_{12}$$Ti phase obtained when sintering at 1273 K, was approximately 83%. To increase the fraction of the Be$$_{12}$$Ti phase, increasing the sintering time was inevitable and this led to an increase in the Be$$_{12}$$Ti phase corresponding to 97.5%. However, as the sintering time increased, variation in grain size of the beryllides was observed. With regard to the sintering pressure, the higher the sintering pressure applied, the higher the sinterability, even though lower pressure may lead to better consolidation with respect to the absence of the Be$$_{2}$$Ti phase.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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