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Report No.

Development of high power mercury target; Pressure wave mitigation by micro-bubbles

Haga, Katsuhiro  

In the neutron source facility of J-PARC, protecting the structural integrity of the mercury target against the pressure wave attack which is generated by the injection of the high power proton beam is the most important issue to achieve the world strongest neutron beam. Previous off-line studies have shown that the impact force of pressure waves can be reduced using the cushioning effect of dispersed He micro-bubbles whose sizes are several hundred microns. Then, we developed swirl-type bubbler which can generate micro-bubbles in mercury, and fabricated the mercury target with the bubbler mouted in it. Also, by utilizing the advanced technique of micro machinning, we developed the reflective mirror and mouted it on the mercury target, which enabled the ${it in-situ}$ monitoring of target vibration by laser beam. As a result, the pressure wave mitigation effect by micro-bubbles injection was demonstrated in the operating mercury target for the first time in the world, and the 300 kW beam operation and the world strongest neutron beam generation were attained.



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