※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Neutorn star crust matter and its property

岡本 稔*; 丸山 敏毅  ; 矢花 一浩*; 巽 敏隆*

Okamoto, Minoru*; Maruyama, Toshiki; Yabana, Kazuhiro*; Tatsumi, Toshitaka*


In neutron star crust, non-uniform structure of nuclear matter is expected, which is called the "pasta" structure. From the recent studies of giant flares in magnetars, these structures might be related to some observables and physical quantities of the neutron star crust (shear modulus). To investigate the above quantities, we numerically explore the pasta structures with a fully three-dimensional geometry and study the properties of low-density nuclear matter, based on the relativistic mean-field model and the Thomas-Fermi approximation, and, we improve the numerical program to investigate the shear mudulus. We will discuss the progress status of improvement of numerical program and shear mudulus.



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