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Report No.

Development of 3D reconstruction technology using captured images; Study of matching method and preliminary examination

Kamiji, Yu; Akai, Naoki*; Ozaki, Koichi*; Ito, Chikara   

Preliminary examination of image processing was conducted using existing reactor inside images through a fiber scope in order to confirm applicability of 3D-mapping in a reactor as a part of development of 3D-measurement technology. The Upright SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features) was used to find corresponding points between two captured images. In case of images showing many similar textures or lack of texture, it was difficult to find corresponding points using SURF only. By coupling with a canny algorithm to detect edges of the inside structure, it was found that 3D-structure could be measured for rectilinear objects. Also, image acquisition model was examined in order to clarify camera specs.



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