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Report No.

Utilization of process monitoring data in the Tokai Reprocessing Plant for future nuclear security

Shimizu, Yasuyuki; Yamazaki, Katsuyuki; Kimura, Takashi ; Endo, Yuji; Nakamura, Hironobu 

Japanese regulation of reprocessing safety and security was revised in March 2012, and almost all requirements except for nuclear material accountancy and control described in the INFCIRC225/rev.5 are included into the regulation. We have many things to do to meet the requirements within 2 years pursuant to the regulation. Separately from the revised regulation, we think that utilizing the process monitoring data not only for the safety control but also for the nuclear material security would be useful in establishing more effective and efficient nuclear material security. Since we observe the process monitoring data to confirm the operational condition including unusual change for the safety purpose, it is though that the various alarm information through the process monitoring data help to detect the risk of sabotage and unauthorized removal. As future challenge, we would like to establish a possible method of utilizing the process monitoring data in combination with the physical protection to make it possible to give more effective and efficient nuclear material security.



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