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Report No.

Development of high chromium steel for fast breeder reactors with high-temperature strength, ductility, and microstructural stabilit

Onizawa, Takashi  ; Asayama, Tai ; Kikuchi, Kenji*

The applicability of high chromium (Cr) steel as the main structural material in fast breeder reactors (FBR) has been explored to enhance the safety, the credibility and the economic competitiveness of FBR power plants. Vanadium (V) and Niobium (Nb) are believed to improve the high-temperature strength of high Cr steels by precipitating as carbides and/or nitrides, namely fine MX particles, although the long-term efficiency and stability of such precipitation strengthening mechanisms resulting from the fine MX particles have not been clarified yet. The effects of V and Nb on degradation of creep properties were investigated under FBR operating conditions, e.g., at 550 $$^{circ}$$C for 500,000 h, and the relationship between the long-term creep properties and microstructural changes was investigated considering the MX particles and the Z-phase. It was found that the optimal V and Nb contents for excellent high Cr steel of FBR grade are 0.2 mass% and $$<$$0.01 mass%, respectively, under FBR operating conditions.



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Category:Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering



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