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Report No.

Removal of cover gas boundary components on the rotating plug of the experimental fast reactor Joyo

Okuda, Eiji; Suzuki, Toshiaki; Fujinaka, Hideaki

With the incident as an opportunity, repair techniques were developed in Joyo. The cover gas boundary components on rotating plug were removed as a preparation work for Joyo restoration work. The removed components are the door valve for fuel handling hole, hold-down shaft driving mechanism and door valve for inspection hole (A). Because these components were designed as the maintenance free. These components haven't been overhauled for more than 30 years since the construction of Joyo. Since the cover gas radioactivity was quite low due to the long time reactor shutdown, the new method was applied in this removal work. In order to prevent the contaminant of impurities in cover gas, the boundary was secured by temporary green house with slight negative pressure. Achievement of this work and accumulated experience will be able to provide valuable insights for further improving and verifying repair techniques in sodium cooled fast reactors.



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