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Report No.

Construction of a car-borne survey system for measurement of dose rates in air; KURAMA-II, and its application

Tsuda, Shuichi  ; Yoshida, Tadayoshi ; Nakahara, Yukio ; Sato, Tetsuro; Seki, Akiyuki   ; Matsuda, Norihiro  ; Ando, Masaki  ; Takemiya, Hiroshi; Tanigaki, Minoru*; Takamiya, Koichi*; Sato, Nobuhiro*; Okumura, Ryo*; Kobayashi, Yasuhiro*; Yoshinaga, Hisao*; Yoshino, Hirofumi*; Uchihori, Yukio*; Ishikawa, Masayori*; Iwaoka, Kazuki*; Saito, Kimiaki  

JAEA has been performing dose rate mapping in air using a car-borne survey system KURAMA-II. The KURAMA system is a GPS-aided mobile radiation monitoring system that has been newly developed by Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute in response to the nuclear disaster. The KURAMA system is composed of an energy-compensated scintillation survey meter for measuring dose rate, electric device for controlling both the dose rates and the position data from a GPS module, a computer server for processing and analyzing data from KURAMA, and client PCs for providing for end users. The KURAMA-II has been improved in small-packaging, durability, and automated data transmission. In consequence, dose rate mapping in wide area has become possible in shorter period of time. This report describes the construction of KURAMA-II, its application and a suggestion of how to manage a large number of KURAMA-II.



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