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Report No.

Calculation system for the estimation of decontamination effect

Satoh, Daiki   ; Kojima, Kensuke; Oizumi, Akito   ; Matsuda, Norihiro  ; Iwamoto, Hiroki   ; Kugo, Teruhiko ; Sakamoto, Yukio*; Endo, Akira   ; Okajima, Shigeaki  

A computer software, named CDE (Calculation system for Decontamination Effect), has been developed to support planning the decontamination. CDE is programed with VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), and runs on Microsoft Excel with a user friendly graphical interface. It calculates dose rate distributions in a target area before and after the decontamination from a radioactivity distribution and DF (Decontamination Factor), which is a ratio of original radioactivity to remaining one after the decontamination. DRRF (Dose Rate Reduction Factor) is also derived to express the decontamination effect. All the calculation results are visualized on an image of the target area with color map. Owing to its quick calculation speed, CDE is able to investigate the decontamination effect in various cases for a short period. This is very useful to establish a rational decontamination plan before an action.



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