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Transmission electron microscopy crystal-structure analysis of G-phase precipitates in a $$delta$$/$$gamma$$ duplex stainless steel weld overlay cladding of light-water reactor pressure vessel steels

Matsukawa, Yoshitaka*; Kakubo, Yuta*; Nozawa, Yasuko*; Toyama, Takeshi*; Nagai, Yasuyoshi*; Takeuchi, Tomoaki   ; Yamaguchi, Yoshihito ; Katsuyama, Jinya  ; Nishiyama, Yutaka 

Crystal structure change and composition change of G-phase (Ni$$_{16}$$Si$$_{7}$$Mn$$_{6}$$) precipitates in a duplex stainless steel welded on an RPV steel were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy combined with atom-probe tomography. Based on TEM crystallographic analysis data and atom-probe composition analysis data, together with simulation results of electron diffraction patterns, it was found that those precipitates turned G-phase in structure-wise before they turned stoichiometric composition.



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