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Report No.

Effect of physical properties on gas entrainment rate from free surface by vortex

Ote, Naosuke*; Koizumi, Yasuo*; Kamide, Hideki ; Ohno, Shuji  ; Ito, Kei

A sodium-cooled fast breeder reactor is now at the developing stage in Japan. One concern for safety is cover gas entrainment into the sodium coolant. The gas entrainment rate into liquid by the vortex formed on the free surface was examined experimentally. Liquid flowed into a cylindrical vessel from a wall tangentially. Swirl flow was formed in the vessel, and then liquid drained from the bottom outlet of the vessel. A hollow vortex was formed on the free surface in the test vessel. Air was entrained under the free surface of the vortex and carried away from the bottom of the vessel. The flow state of the gas entrainment was visually observed by using a high speed video camera. The gas entrainment rate into liquid was measured. In the previous study, test fluid was water. Kerosene and 20 cSt silicone oil were newly introduced as the test fluid to examine the effect of the physical properties on the gas entrainment phenomena.



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