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Report No.

Development of microwave ion source for industrial applications

Takahashi, Nobuaki*; Murata, Hirohiko*; Mitsubori, Hitoshi*; Sakuraba, Junji*; Soga, Tomohiro*; Aoki, Yasushi*; Kato, Takanori*; Saito, Yuichi; Yamada, Keisuke; Ikenaga, Noriaki*; Sakudo, Noriyuki*

Microwave ion source is one of the long-life ion sources, which has been developed for industrial applications such as ion implantation. In this paper, the characteristics of the extracted Ar ion beam from the plasma were studied under various conditions, in terms of magnetic field and pressure of gas. The measured spectra show that, within the experimental condition, most of the beam constituents were singly charged ions, Ar$$^{+}$$ in contrast to ECR ion sources which permits to obtain high current useful for ion implantation. The details of the beam characteristics will be presented corresponding the magnetic field and the pressure of gas.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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