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Report No.

Visualization of $$gamma$$H2AX foci caused by heavy ion particle traversal; Distribution between core track versus non-track damage

Nakajima, Nakako*; Brunton, H.*; Watanabe, Ritsuko; Shrikhande, A.*; Hirayama, Ryoichi*; Matsufuji, Naruhiro*; Fujimori, Akira*; Murakami, Takeshi*; Okayasu, Ryuichi*; Jeggo, P.*; Shibata, Atsushi*

Heavy particle irradiation can produce complex DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) within the particle trajectory. Additionally, secondary electrons, termed delta-electrons, can create low linear energy transfer (LET) damage distant from the track. Using imaging with deconvolution, we show that at 8 hours after exposure to Fe ions, $$gamma$$H2AX foci forming at DSBs within the particle track are large and encompass multiple smaller and closely localised foci, which we designate as clustered $$gamma$$H2AX foci. We also identified simple $$gamma$$H2AX foci distant from the track. They are rapidly repaired. Clustered $$gamma$$H2AX foci induced by heavy particle radiation cause prolonged checkpoint arrest compared to simple $$gamma$$H2AX foci. However, mitotic entry was observed when $$sim$$10 clustered foci remain. Thus, cells can progress into mitosis with multiple clusters of DSBs following the traversal of a heavy particle.



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Category:Multidisciplinary Sciences



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