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 年 ~ 

中性子タンパク質結晶学の現状と将来; J-PARCにおける新しい構造生物学ビームラインの建設

Current status and future prospects of neutron protein crystallography

黒木 良太

Kuroki, Ryota


Elucidation of the complicated structure of protein molecule will contribute not only to understand molecular mechanism occurring in life events, but also to improve the molecular function of the proteins from industrial point of view. Although neutron crystallography is not common tool to determine the tertiary structure of protein, there are several neutron diffractometers have been constructed for the purpose of protein structure determination. Neutron crystallography is expected to become an important tool used in the field of protein science. In this meeting, I wish to introduce the current status and the future prospects of neutron diffractometer focused on protein structure determination.



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