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Report No.

Validation of a Lagrangian atmospheric dispersion model against middle-range scale measurements of $$^{85}$$Kr concentration in Japan

Terada, Hiroaki   ; Nagai, Haruyasu  ; Yamazawa, Hiromi*

The Lagrangian atmospheric dispersion model of the nuclear emergency response system WSPEEDI-II was validated with the measured $$^{85}$$Kr concentrations in tens-of- to hundreds-of-km (middle-range) scale area by conducting dispersion simulations with the release rate from the Rokkasho reprocessing plant in Japan. The calculated weekly concentrations of $$^{85}$$Kr during April and September in 2008 agreed with the measurements within a factor of two. However, the sensitivity analysis to horizontal grid resolution of the meteorological model ranging from 2 to 54 km showed the calculated results had the dependency on the grid resolution. An empirical modification of the horizontal diffusion parameter was attempted based on the sensitivity analysis to reduce the redundant diffusion effect in dispersion simulations with relatively high grid resolution. The modified parameter contributed to reduce the dependency of calculated concentrations on the grid resolution.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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