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Report No.

Dynamics of energetic particle driven modes and MHD modes in wall-stabilized high-$$beta$$ plasmas on JT-60U and DIII-D

Matsunaga, Go; Okabayashi, Michio*; Aiba, Nobuyuki; Boedo, J. A.*; Ferron, J. R.*; Hanson, J. M.*; Hao, G. Z.*; Heidbrink, W. W.*; Holcomb, C. T.*; In, Y.*; Jackson, G. L.*; Liu, Y. Q.*; Luce, T. C.*; Mckee, G. R.*; Osborne, T. H.*; Pace, D. C.*; Shinohara, Koji; Snyder, P. B.*; Solomon, W. M.*; Strait, E. J.*; Turnbull, A. D.*; Van Zeeland, M. A.*; Watkins, J. G.*; Zeng, L.*; DIII-D Team*; JT-60 Team

In the wall-stabilized high-$$beta$$ plasmas in JT-60U and DIII-D, interactions between energetic particle (EP) driven modes (EPdMs) and edge localized modes (ELMs) have been observed. The interaction between the EPdM and ELM are reproducibly observed. Many EP diagnostics indicate that strong correlation between the distorted waveform of the EPdM and the EP transport to edge. The waveform distortion is composed of higher harmonics $$(n ge 2)$$ and it looks like a density snake near the plasma edge. According to statistical analyses, the ELM triggering by the EPdMs needs finite level of waveform distortion and pedestal recovery. The ELM pacing by the EPdMs occurs when the repetition frequency of the EPdMs is higher than the natural ELM frequency. Transported EPs by the EPdMs are thought to contribute to change the edge stability.



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Category:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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