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Report No.

The Improvement of the instrument control system toward 1MW in J-PARC/MLF

Nakatani, Takeshi ; Inamura, Yasuhiro  ; Ito, Takayoshi*

At 1MW proton beam power in J-PARC/MLF, our experiment method will have to change high quality as well as high quantity. We have been developed the universal event recording system and the dynamic device control software. We have introduced the new DAQ board called "TrigNET" into our DAQ system for the universal event recording. TrigNET can output the event data which consist of the elapsed time from the trigger, the event source and the signal values of the devices. Because TrigNET has the SiTCP interface, we can simultaneously collect the device event data as well as the neutron event data by DAQ-Middleware. The dynamic device control software can concurrently control the neutron optics and sample environment devices as well as the DAQ in the instrument. The instrument control software framework called "IROHA" integrates the DAQ and device control, but its architecture is sequential control. So, we improve IROHA to be available dynamic device control.



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