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Report No.

Research and development of neutron detection system using scintillator and digital-signal processing

Shinohara, Koji; Ishii, Keiichi*; Ochiai, Kentaro; Baba, Mamoru*; Sasao, Mamiko*; Kitajima, Sumio*

A collimated neutron flux array system in JT-60U successfully upgraded performance of higher counting rate and the capability to detect 14 MeV neutrons as well by using a fast digitizer in 2006. Additionally, detailed analysis of the recorded waveform on JT-60U and FNS has provided us new findings. In this paper, firstly, characteristics of pulse shapes and neutron-$$gamma$$ discrimination parameters investigated by the detailed analysis of digitized waveform data are described. Next, new data analysis procedure for neutron-$$gamma$$ discrimination based on the characteristics is proposed. In the new procedure, an appropriate projection surface, on which we can define the discrimination boundary, has been introduced in three-dimensional discrimination parameter space. The problem of pulse height variation, which occurs when a counting rate is high in high performance plasma, and its countermeasures are also presented. The system using the countermeasure of a booster method successfully has avoided the problem in the high neutron flux condition of $$sim$$2$$times$$10$$^{5}$$ counts/s on FNS.



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