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Report No.

Decommissioning program of research hot laboratory in JAEA; Technical review of dismantling works for the lead cells

Shiina, Hidenori ; Nozawa, Yukio; Ono, Katsuto; Nishi, Masahiro; Koya, Toshio ; Ishikawa, Akiyoshi

The Research Hot Laboratory (RHL) in Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is the first facility in Japan for the post irradiation examination (PIE) on reactor fuels and structural materials, which had contributed to advancement of the fuels and materials since 1961. The building of RHL consists of two stories above ground and a basement, in which 10 heavy concrete and 38 lead cells were installed. In RHL, all operations for PIE had been completed in 2003. Then the decommissioning program has been implemented in order to promote the rationalization of research facilities in JAEA. As the first step of the program, PIE apparatuses and irradiated samples were removed from the cells, which have been managed as radioactive wastes. The dismantling of lead cells was initiated in 2005. At present 20 lead cells are successfully dismantled. This paper shows technical review of dismantling operations and waste management for the lead cells.



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