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Report No.

Ion-irradiation response of Gafchromic films and their application to the measurement of the transverse beam intensity distribution

Yuri, Yosuke; Ishizaka, Tomohisa; Yuyama, Takahiro; Ishibori, Ikuo; Okumura, Susumu

Radiochromic films, Gafchromic HD-810 and EBT2, were investigated in terms of their response to energetic proton and heavy-ion beams in order to be applied to a measurement technique of the transverse beam intensity distribution at the cyclotron of JAEA. The optical density of the irradiated films increased linearly with the particle fluence of the beam in a low-fluence region. The linear-response range was strongly dependent on ion species as well as the film type. By analyzing the film response to absorbed dose, it was found that the sensitivity of the film decreased for a beam with higher linear energy transfer. Based on the linear response above, we could successfully evaluate the relative intensity distribution of a large-area ion beam focused with multipole magnets. It was demonstrated that the present technique was useful for the estimation of the size and uniformity of the ion beam.



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