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Fabrication of beryllide pebble as advanced neutron multiplier


中道 勝; 金 宰煥

Nakamichi, Masaru; Kim, Jae-Hwan

Beryllides are one of the most promising candidates as advanced materials. We suggested a new beryllide granulation process, which was combinational process with a plasma sintering method and a rotating electrode method (REM). The prototype pebbles were successfully fabricated by the REM using the plasma-sintered beryllide electrode. The beryllide electrode fabrication process was investigated in light of the mass production. From the optimization results, it was revealed that beryllide pebbles with the identical phase composition could be fabricated regardless of the difference of the phase compositions in the beryllide electrodes sintered for different temperature and time. Furthermore, the optimization result could lead to expectation of the time reduction because this result can reduce the time of electrode fabrication by 40%.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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