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Report No.

Evaluation of mechanical property in grain boundary character distribution-optimized Ni-based alloy

Yamashita, Shinichiro   ; Sekio, Yoshihiro  ; Sakaguchi, Norihito*; Shibayama, Tamaki*; Watanabe, Seiichi*; Kokawa, Hiroyuki*

Recent grain boundary structure studies have shown that optimal distribution of a high frequency of coincidence site lattice boundaries and consequent discontinuity of random boundary network in the material is one of very effective methods to enhance the intergranular corrosion resistance. This advantageous property, one of important ones for structural material of nuclear reactor, can be obtained through simple thermomechanical treatment process without any change of original chemical composition. In this study, grain boundary character distribution(GBCD)-optimized Ni-based alloy (PE16) has been developed as a prospective high-performance nuclear reactor material by grain boundary engineering processing, and then tensile behavior of GBCD-optimized Ni-based alloy was investigated to evaluate the effect of grain boundary engineering processing on mechanical property. The result of tensile test at room temperature showed that tensile strength of GBCD-optimized PE16 was somewhat lower than that of as-received PE16. However, no significant change was confirmed in elongation property. Details on tensile behavior analyses would be discussed in the conference.



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