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Report No.

Study of specific energy for evaluation of in situ rock mass properties (Joint research)

Hikima, Ryoichi*; Hirano, Toru*; Yamashita, Masayuki*; Ishiyama, Koji*; Tanno, Takeo*; Sanada, Hiroyuki; Sato, Toshinori  

For the research and development about high-level radioactive waste disposal, it is important to evaluate the mechanical stability of the excavation and the long-term behavior of in situ rock. However, from the limited information such as the bowling core before the excavation, it is difficult to evaluate the mechanical properties of in situ rock containing cracks. For this reason, evaluation of rock properties based on Specific Energy using mechanical data from an excavation machine is carried out. This report describes the results of the joint research carried out in FY 2010 to FY 2012.



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