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Report No.

Study on piping response under multiple excitation; Validation for multiple excitation analysis of piping

Kai, Satoru*; Watakabe, Tomoyoshi; Kaneko, Naoaki*; Tochiki, Kunihiro*; Moriizumi, Makoto; Tsukimori, Kazuyuki

The piping in a nuclear power plant is laid across multiple floors of a single building or multiple buildings which support the piping at many points. As the piping is excited by multiple-inputs from the supporting points during an earthquake, seismic response analysis by multiple excitations is needed to obtain the exact seismic response of the piping. However, only a few experiments involving such multiple excitations have been performed to verify the validity of multiple excitation analysis. To perform rational seismic design and evaluation, it is important to investigate the seismic response by multiple excitations and to verify the validity of the analytical method by multiple excitation tests. This paper reports the validation results of the multiple excitation analysis of piping compared with the results of the multiple excitations shaking test using triple uni-axial shaking table and a 3-dimensional piping model.



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