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Research and development status on fusion DEMO reactor design under the Broader Approach


飛田 健次; Federici, G.*; 岡野 邦彦

Tobita, Kenji; Federici, G.*; Okano, Kunihiko


The goal of the DEMO reactor design under the Broader Approach (BA) is to develop possible pre-conceptual designs of DEMO by addressing key design issues and options in physics, technology and system engineering for DEMO. The joint work between EU and Japan for the DEMO design started with a benchmark of systems codes. Cross-checking between the EU systems code PROCESS and the JA systems code TPC showed a good agreement for relatively conservative plasma parameters. In parallel, critical design issues on DEMO have been studied. In order to resolve the problem on divertor heat removal, a reduction of divertor heat load due to plasma detachment and advanced divertor concepts such as super-X and snowflake configuration has been investigated. Regarding remote maintenance (RM), various RM concepts based on different sector segmentations and access ports has been studied to allow reasonable plant availability under severe in-vessel dose rate.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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