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Report No.

Long-term assessment of transport of radioactive contaminant in the environment of Fukushima (F-TRACE Project), 7; Modeling of the sediment transport in the coastal area

Itakura, Mitsuhiro  ; Yamada, Susumu  ; Okumura, Masahiko   ; Machida, Masahiko  

The main objective of the F-TRACE project of JAEA is to predict the future distribution of radioactive Cesium (Cs) in the Fukushima area. The majority of Cs atoms are currently absorbed in the clay particles in the soil, and the transport of these clay particles determines the future distribution of Cs atoms. Since these clay particles tend to be accumulated in the river as sediments and transported to the ocean, it is very important to develop a model of sediment transport in the river and coastal region in Fukushima area. To identify the main driving force of the sediment transport in the coastal area, we have evaluated the effect of various ocean phenomena such as tiding, river flow, waves and currents to the transport using the ocean simulation code ROMS and the wave simulation code SWAN by calculating the bottom water velocity induced by each phenomena.



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