※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

ナトリウム冷却高速炉ホットレグ配管入口部における液中渦キャビテーションに関する研究,4; 基礎体系における液中渦周囲の流速分布計測結果

Study on cavitation due to sub-surface vortex at intake of hot-leg pipe in sodium cooled fast reactor, 4; Measurement of velocity distributions around vortex in fundamental geometry

江連 俊樹 ; 伊藤 啓; 小野島 貴光; 上出 英樹 

Ezure, Toshiki; Ito, Kei; Onojima, Takamitsu; Kamide, Hideki


Fundamental experiments about the vortex cavitation due to sub-surface vortex were carried out in geometry of a simple cylindrical tank with one suction pipe. Velocity distributions in vertical and horizontal planes around the vortex were grasped under several conditions of suction pipe velocity and kinematic viscosity. From the results, it is confirmed the circulation around the vortex in present geometry dose not depends on the variation of kinematic viscosity and varies proportionally to the variation of suction pipe velocity.



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