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Report No.

Reproductions of ground motions consistent with seismic hazard, 2; The Characteristics of reproduced ground motions

Igarashi, Sayaka*; Nishida, Akemi  ; Sakamoto, Shigehiro*; Muramatsu, Ken*; Takada, Tsuyoshi*  

Most probabilistic risk assessments (PRA) of structures involve the use of probabilistic schemes such as the scheme using probabilistic seismic hazard and fragility curves. Even when earthquake ground motions are required in Monte Carlo Simulations (MCS), they are generated to fit the specified response spectra, such as uniform hazard spectra at a specified exceedance probability. These ground motions, however, are not directly linked with corresponding seismic source characteristics. In this context, the authors propose a methodology based on MCS to reproduce a set of input ground motions to develop an advanced PRA scheme that can explain the exceedance probability and sequence of functional loss in a nuclear power plant. In this report, the analytical results of seismic source characteristics of 200 ground motions consistent with seismic hazard are shown.



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