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Simulations of toroidal rotation due to the neoclassical toroidal viscosity in tokamaks


本多 充; 佐竹 真介*; 鈴木 康浩*; 松永 剛; 井手 俊介; 吉田 麻衣子; 林 伸彦

Honda, Mitsuru; Satake, Shinsuke*; Suzuki, Yasuhiro*; Matsunaga, Go; Ide, Shunsuke; Yoshida, Maiko; Hayashi, Nobuhiko

For simulations of toroidal rotation driven by the neoclassical toroidal viscosity (NTV), the framework of the collaborative execution of the integrated code TOPICS with the 3D equilibrium code VMEC and the 3D neoclassical transport code FORTEC-3D has been developed. In tokamaks, toroidally-asymmetric components of the magnetic field exist and they produce the NTV. The NTV damps or sometimes accelerates toroidal rotation towards a certain rotation level, called the offset rotation. The effects of the NTV on toroidal rotation has been investigated in JT-60SA plasmas. The simulations show that even the smaller ripple amplitude produces a non-negligible amount of the NTV torque that is almost comparable to the NBI torque and significantly alters the resultant toroidal rotation profiles.



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