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Radiation reaction effects in cascade scattering of intense, tightly focused laser pulses by relativistic electrons; Classical approach


Zhidkov, A.*; 益田 伸一*; Bulanov, S. S.*; Koga, J. K.; 細貝 知直*; 兒玉 了祐*

Zhidkov, A.*; Masuda, Shinichi*; Bulanov, S. S.*; Koga, J. K.; Hosokai, Tomonao*; Kodama, Ryosuke*

Nonlinear cascade scattering of intense tightly focused laser pulses by relativistic electrons is studied numerically including the classical radiation damping. The electron energy loss, along with its side scattering by the ponderomotive force makes the scattering in the vicinity of high laser field nearly impossible at high electron energies. The use of a second co-propagating laser pulse as a booster is shown to solve this problem.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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