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Report No.

Recovery of minor actinides from spent fuel using TPEN-immobilized gels

Koyama, Shinichi  ; Suto, Mitsuo; Obayashi, Hiroshi ; Oaki, Hiroshi*; Takeshita, Kenji*

A series of separation experiments was performed in order to study the recovery process for minor actinides (MAs) from the actual spent fuel by using an extraction chromatographic technique. The 10 mol% TPPEN-gel was used to improve adsorption coefficient of Am and a condition of eluent temperature was changed in order to confirm the temperature swing effect on TPEN-gel for MA. More than 90% Eu was detected in the eluent after washing with 0.01M NaNO$$_{3}$$ (pH 3.5) at 5$$^{circ}$$C. Americium was backwardly detected and eluted continuously during in the same condition. After removal of Eu, the eluent temperature was changed to 32$$^{circ}$$C, then Am was detected (pH 3.0). Finally remained Am could be stripped from TPPEN-gel by changing the pH of the eluent to 2.0.



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