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Status of 170 GHz EC technology development in JAEA

原子力機構における170GHz EC技術開発の現状

坂本 慶司; 梶原 健; 小田 靖久; 高橋 幸司; 林 一生*; 小林 貴之; 森山 伸一

Sakamoto, Keishi; Kajiwara, Ken; Oda, Yasuhisa; Takahashi, Koji; Hayashi, Kazuo*; Kobayashi, Takayuki; Moriyama, Shinichi

Status of a high power 170 GHz ITER gyrotron development and related EC technology are presented. The development of high frequency power modulation is progressed. By using the dual switch on the anode voltage feeder, the quick start-up of anode voltage was realized at 5 kHz modulation. In the next stage, novel configuration of the electron beam acceleration power supply (anode PS and body PS) is proposed and tested. The anode PS provides the power to the anode circuit where the 5 kHz on-off switching operation is executed. The anode PS is composed of commercially available power supply. As the anode PS is grounded, so simple configuration is realized. On the initial test, the gyrotron oscillation with reasonable oscillation efficiency (31%) was demonstrated. It is proved the new configuration of the PS is available for ITER.



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