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Report No.

Numerical estimation of Ohmic loss of high power wideband diplexer for ECCD system

Atsumi, Kohei*; Yamaguchi, Tomoki*; Nagashima, Koji*; Saigusa, Mikio*; Fukunari, Masafumi*; Oda, Yasuhisa; Sakamoto, Keishi

A diplexer for high power millimeter wave has been developed as a fast switching device in ECCD system for improving a stabilizing efficiency of neoclassical tearing modes. The switching operation of diplexer was confirmed with the FDTD code developed in our laboratory and low power tests using a mock-up diplexer. The cooling design of half mirror will be a key issue of this development, so that the Ohmic loss of a miter bend and a half mirror of the ring resonator was estimated by the numerical simulations.



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