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Report No.

Development of a plasma turbulence code by C$$^{++}$$

Miyato, Naoaki

Plasma turbulence in the tokamak edge and peripheral region plays an important role determining heat and particle fluxes towards the divertor plate. Reduction of the heat load to the divertor plate is a critical problem for realising the fusion reactor. However, various physical processes should be considered to evaluate the heat load accurately. To this end, a plasma turbulence code is being developed by the object-oriented programming language C$$^{++}$$. Use of C$$^{++}$$ makes it easier to add physical elements step by step into the code. A fundamental class for data in 2-dimensional space perpendicular to an equilibrium magnetic field is constructed, which has several member functions such as the one calculating the Poisson brackets with Arakawa scheme. The 2D Kelvin-Helmholtz problem is considered as a test.



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