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Report No.

Direct $$kappa$$-space mapping of the electronic structure in an oxide-oxide interface

Berner, G.*; Sing, M.*; Fujiwara, Hidenori*; Yasui, Akira*; Saito, Yuji  ; Yamasaki, Atsushi*; Nishitani, Yoshihito*; Sekiyama, Akira*; Pavlenko, N.*; Kopp, T.*; Richter, C.*; Mannhart, J.*; Suga, Shigemasa*; Claessen, R.*

The interface between LaAlO$$_{3}$$ and SrTiO$$_{3}$$ hosts a two-dimensional electron system of itinerant carriers, although both oxides are band insulators. Interface ferromagnetism coexisting with superconductivity has been found and attributed to local moments. Experimentally, it has been established that Ti 3$$d$$ electrons are confined to the interface. Using soft X-ray angle-resolved resonant photoelectron spectroscopy we have directly mapped the interface states in $$kappa$$ space. Our data demonstrate a charge dichotomy. A mobile fraction contributes to Fermi surface sheets, whereas a localized portion at higher binding energies is tentatively attributed to electrons trapped by O vacancies in the SrTiO$$_{3}$$.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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