※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Sagittal focusing of synchrotron radiation X-rays using a winged crystal


二澤 宏司*; 米田 安宏   ; 上野 剛*; 村上 博則*; 岡島 由佳*; 山本 健一郎*; 仙波 泰徳*; 上杉 健太朗*; 田中 義人*; 山本 雅樹*; 後藤 俊治*; 石川 哲也*

Nisawa, Atsushi*; Yoneda, Yasuhiro; Ueno, Go*; Murakami, Hironori*; Okajima, Yuka*; Yamamoto, Kenichiro*; Semba, Yasunori*; Uesugi, Kentaro*; Tanaka, Yoshihito*; Yamamoto, Masaki*; Goto, Shunji*; Ishikawa, Tetsuya*


A Si(111) winged crystal has been designed to minimize anticlastic bending and improve sagittal focusing efficiency. The crystal was thin with wide stiffening wings. The length-to-width ratio of the crystal was optimized by finite element analysis, and the optimal value was larger than the "golden value". The analysis showed that the slope error owing to anticlastic bending is less than the Darwin width. The X-rays were focused two-dimensionally using the crystal and a tangentially bent mirror. The observed profiles of the focal spot agreed well with the results of a ray-tracing calculation in the energy range from 8 to 17.5 keV. X-ray diffraction measurements with a high signal-to-noise ratio using this focusing system were demonstrated for a small protein crystal.



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分野:Instruments & Instrumentation



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