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Experimental studies of complex hydride YMn$$_{2}$$H$$_{6}$$ on formation kinetics and X-ray absorption fine structure analyses

Matsuo, Motoaki*; Matsumura, Daiju   ; Nishihata, Yasuo; Li, G.*; Hiyama, Nao*; Semboshi, Satoshi*; Orimo, Shinichi*

Formation kinetics of a complex hydride YMn$$_{2}$$H$$_{6}$$ with MnH$$_{6}$$ complex anion from a metal hydride YMn$$_{2}$$H$$_{4.5}$$ was investigated in the temperature range between 373 K and 448 K under 25 MPa H$$_{2}$$. The time dependent of the YMn$$_{2}$$H$$_{6}$$ formation fraction suggested that the formation kinetics are controlled by random nucleation and growth with the activation energy of 113 kJ/mol H$$_{2}$$. Local structure of YMn$$_{2}$$H$$_{6}$$ synthesized was also studied by X-ray absorption fine structure analysis. Mn-H covalent bonding nature in MnH$$_{6}$$ complex anion was successfully detected and the Mn-H distance was determined to be 1.67$$pm$$0.05 ${AA}$.



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Category:Physics, Applied



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