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 年 ~ 

Simulation study of nonlocal transport from edge to core in tokamak plasmas


矢木 雅敏; 松山 顕之; 宮戸 直亮; 滝塚 知典*

Yagi, Masatoshi; Matsuyama, Akinobu; Miyato, Naoaki; Takizuka, Tomonori*

In this work, the simulation study of nonlocal transport from edge to core in tokamak plasmas has been performed using 4-field reduced MHD model. The cylindrical particle source is applied in the plasma edge, after the steady state of resistive ballooning turbulence is attained. After a short time, the source is switched off and the plasma response is investigated. It is found that applying the particle source induces (0,0) and (1,0) modes of density fluctuations, where ($$m,n$$) indicates the set of poloidal mode number $$m$$ and the toroidal mode number n. These modes interact with each other by the nonlinear and/or toroidal couplings. The convective cell mode such as (1,0) mode is attributed to the nonlocal transport instead of the long-range fluctuation such as (1,1) mode excited by the turbulence. The simulation result indicates that two-dimensional transport in the poloidal plane plays a key role to describe the nonlocal transport.



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分野:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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