※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

J-PARC K1.8ビームラインでKURAMAスペクトロメータの開発

Development of KURAMA spectrometer at J-PARC K1.8 beamline

今井 憲一; Hwang, S. H.*

Imai, Kenichi; Hwang, S. H.*

We investigate the systemic study of S=-2 systems, double hyper nuclei by hybrid-emulsion method (E07), X-ray from Xi- atom (E03) and H-dibaryon search by Hyperon Time-Projection-Chamber (E42), via (K$$^{-}$$, K$$^{+}$$) reaction at J-PARC K1.8 beam-line. The scattered K$$^{+}$$ particles are detected with the KURAMA spectrometer, which was used in KEK-PS experiment. In this talk, we will discuss the detectors R&D and the simulation result of mass trigger for the KURAMA spectrometer.



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