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Report No.

Possible observation of transverse laser cooled ultimate cold ion beam in S-LSR

Jimbo, Koichi*; Soda, Hikaru*; Yuri, Yosuke; Tongu, Hiromu*; Nakao, Masao*; Shirai, Toshiyuki*; Noda, Akira*

The synchrotron-oscillation signals of 40-keV bunched Mg$$^+$$ ion beams were investigated for the diagnostics of the laser-cooled beams in an ion cooler storage ring, S-LSR, Kyoto University. The signals induced on a parallel-plate pickup were measured with a spectrum analyzer. The coherent and incoherent modes corresponding to the synchrotron tune were observed in the signals. The molecular dynamics simulation predicts, on the other hand, that the synchrotron oscillation of the strongly laser-cooled beam is suppressed by the space-charge force. We thus propose a possibility to detect the space-charge limit by the observation of the predicted suppression of the synchrotron oscillation.



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