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Report No.

Experimental study for the production cross sections of positron emitters induced from $$^{12}$$C and $$^{16}$$O nuclei by low-energy proton beams

Akagi, Takashi*; Yagi, Masashi*; Yamashita, Tomohiro*; Murakami, Masao*; Yamakawa, Yoshiyuki*; Kitamura, Keiji*; Ogura, Koichi; Kondo, Kiminori; Kawanishi, Shunichi*

In proton therapy, positron emitters are induced from $$^{12}$$C and$$^{16}$$O nuclei by protons on the beam path in the patient. Many studies for monitoring positron emitters with beam-induced PET technique have been performed by various groups to verify the proton beam range and the dose in the patient for quality assurance. The aim of this study was to develop a method for measuring the production cross sections of positron emitters using standard equipment for proton therapy. The time-activity curve was then obtained with a high-sensitivity PET scanner to extract the number of positron emitters produced in the target. The production cross sections for four reaction channels: $$^{16}$$O(p,pn)$$^{15}$$O, $$^{16}$$O(p,3p3n)$$^{11}$$C, $$^{16}$$O(p,2p2n)$$^{13}$$N, and $$^{12}$$C(p,pn)$$^{11}$$C were then measured. The cross sections for the $$^{16}$$O(p,pn)$$^{15}$$O reaction channel were consistent with data of previous experiments within the uncertainties, while those of $$^{12}$$C(p,pn)$$^{11}$$C were generally lower than data of previous experiments.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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