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Report No.

Recent progress in development of heavy-ion microbeam systems of JAEA-Takasaki

Funayama, Tomoo; Yokota, Yuichiro; Suzuki, Michiyo; Ikeda, Hiroko; Sakashita, Tetsuya; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko

In JAEA-Takasaki, there are two heavy-ion microbeam systems for biological study: the collimating and the focusing system. Both systems are installed individually on the vertical beam lines of the AVF-cyclotron. The collimating system, which was developed and installed at mid 1990's and utilized for various biological studies, generates heavy-ion microbeams using micro collimator. To explore the behaviors of the whole cell population after bystander irradiation, an integration of live-cell imaging technology into the cell targeting-and-observation system of the collimating system is under development. On the other hand, the focusing system was developed to irradiate heavy-ions to the target cells with beams finer than the collimating system. Using the system, we established a method to irradiate finer heavy-ion microbeam on individual HeLa cells. For rapid and accurate delivery of heavy-ions to the individual cells, a method for targeting cells with scanned beam is under development.



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