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ローカルパートナーシップを採用した立地選定に関する海外調査; スロベニアとベルギー

Survey report of site selection process on the basis of local partnerships; Slovenia and Belgium

吉岡 龍司 ; 神崎 典子; 大澤 英昭  ; 早川 剛 ; 仲田 久和 

Yoshioka, Tatsuji; Kanzaki, Noriko; Osawa, Hideaki; Hayakawa, Tsuyoshi; Nakata, Hisakazu


Local partnership approach to achieve stakeholder consensus on low-level waste disposal, with particular focus on the siting of repositories are adopted in Europe. Especially in Belgium and Slovenia, final repository site had been decided in each country. The authors investigate on these two cases on the basis of interviews with implementing organizations for final disposal, representatives of local partnerships and citizens concerned so that the problem of introducing a local partnership in Japan can be examined. Its results are used as a reference for studying measures to determine the radioactive final repository site in Japan.



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