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Report No.

Numerical analysis of influence of hydrogen charging method on thermal desorption spectra for pre-strained high-strength steel

Ebihara, Kenichi   ; Iwamoto, Takashi*; Matsubara, Yukio*; Yamada, Hiroki*; Okamura, Tsukasa*; Urushihara, Wataru*; Omura, Tomohiko*

For understanding the mechanism of hydrogen embrittlement that is one cause of stress corrosion cracking, it is necessary to identify the location of hydrogen segregation (hydrogen existing state) in steels. The thermal desorption spectrum of hydrogen that is obtained by measuring hydrogen desorbing from specimens heated at a constant rate is a useful data for identifying the hydrogen existing state. In the paper, using the numerical simulation, we examined the difference of the thermal desorption spectra between two specimens of pre-strained high-strength steel, one was charged with hydrogen by the method used widely in laboratories, the other was by the method simulating hydrogen penetration in real environment. As a result, it was found that the difference results from the difference of the initial hydrogen distribution caused by the amount of charged hydrogen. If the amount of charged hydrogen is small, the thermal desorption spectrum is more sensitive to the initial distribution.



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Category:Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering



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