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 年 ~ 

Present status and future prospects of the JT-60SA project


石田 真一; Barabaschi, P.*; 鎌田 裕; JT-60SAチーム

Ishida, Shinichi; Barabaschi, P.*; Kamada, Yutaka; JT-60SA Team

The JT-60SA project has been implemented jointly by Europe and Japan since June 2007. After the disassembly of JT-60 from the torus hall was completed in October 2012, the project achieved the major milestone of start of tokamak assembly at the JAEA Naka site in January 2013 following the completion of the cryostat base in Europe and its transport to Japan. Procurement and assembly activities for components such as superconducting magnet, vacuum vessel, power supply, cryostat, cryogenic system, remote handling tool have been progressed on track towards the start of operation in 2019. For exploitation, after the JT-60SA Research Plan was issued in December 2011 in cooperation with fusion communities in Europe and Japan, the research integration activities have been also addressing the work on JT-60SA data management, validation and analysis tools. This paper overviews the latest project evolution on construction and exploitation.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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