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Report No.

Visualisation of cell cycle modifications by X-ray irradiation of single HeLa cells using fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicators

Kaminaga, Kiichi; Noguchi, Miho; Narita, Ayumi; Sakamoto, Yuka; Kanari, Yukiko; Yokoya, Akinari

To explore radiation effects on the mammalian cell cycle, it would be essential to trace single cells as live cell images observed by a time-lapse imaging technique. HeLa-FUCCI cells are one of useful model cell lines to visualize cell cycle because their nucleus show different colors. We irradiated the cells with X-rays of 5 Gy. The cells were incubated for 48 hr in a small incubator set on a fluorescent microscope to track about 40 cells. Most of the irradiated cells underwent cell division at M phase, and then progressed into G1 phase. However, about a half of the cell population showed a significantly longer period toward cell division, indicating that G2 phase was prolonged (G2 arrest) by irradiation. The elongation of G2 phase was more prominent for irradiation to cells in S/G2 phase than those in G1 phase. The observed cell cycle modification suggests that G2/M checkpoint system control the cycle to ensure repairing DNA damage.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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